ArtCraftTech 2009: Health and Wealth


The very first ArtCraftTech (ACT) tackled the complex relationship between money and health.

There were free public events on two Sundays, December 13 and December 20, 2009 at Abrons Arts Center, 466 Grand St. between Pitt St. and Columbia St. in Manhattan.

Participants came through the rain and snow to play the The Health Economy Game take part in round-table discussions, watch a lively pecha-kucha slide presentation (what is a pecha-kucha? See here) and engage in impromptu dialogue and research.

View the Problem Statement on Money, a modest proposal for a new way to think about how Health fits into our current system of Wealth, then give us your ideas on how to make a new relationship between the two.

There were 6 core participants for ACT09: Health and Wealth:

Abraham Burickson (Architect/poet/theater maker)

Susan Englert (Architect/fine artist/jewelry design)

Carolyn Hall (Dancer/marine scientist)

Clarinda Mac Low (Performance maker/writer/medical researcher)

Patrick Murray (Engineer/instrument maker/film-maker)

Mark Sussman (Theater maker/professor)

Visit this page for extended bios of all participants